Announced policies - click on the policy that interest you.

Democracy Refreshed - A People’s Poll; Limited terms for MLAs; Early Release of Cabinet Minutes

An Independent Infrastructure Assessment Process

Reading skills for all primary school students

A Stadium in the City

As we have been meeting with people and groups, we are developing our policies and our priorities. For our personal priorities and comments and ideas - visit each of our websites. Peter Strong AM, Ann Bray

A People’s Poll

If enough people want a vote about a particular issue, then the assembly has to organise a vote.

Announced 2 Feb 2024

What? The ACT Legislative Assembly should introduce a bill that allows for citizen initiated referendums. We will call them People’s Polls. The bill can be developed by studying the New Zealand model and examples can be considered from the USA, Switzerland and elsewhere.

 Why? The need for greater participation by citizens in the ACT government is obvious to many. This will increase citizen participation in democracy and give the people of the ACT stronger a voice in between elections – which are held every four years. Our territory has one level of government. There are no checks and balances as might be provided by an upper house or a Governor. The backbench of government is smaller than the front bench, so we will see no back bench revolt. We have a highly educated population who should be given an opportunity for a greater say in how our community is managed.

 How? There are many versions and as we get closer to the election we can gather more opinions and ideas. One option is:

  • A minimum group of concerned citizens (say 500) will lodge an ‘intent to seek a Poll” document with ACT Elections. Elections ACT would audit the petition to ensure it complies (e.g. excludes defamatory, vexatious, indecent or scandalous questions) and assist with drafting the petition.

  • The concerned citizens would then have 6 months to get the required number of signatures (say 5000). If they cannot get those signatures then the Poll expires and cannot be sought again for a period of, say, 2 years.

  • If a petition with the names of say at least 5,000 registered voters is presented to the government asking for a Poll on a particular issue, then the government must hold a Poll.

  • The Government would ensure a neutral summary of the issues be distributed to electors prior to the referendum.

  • A Poll would then be held, with compulsory and electronic voting and the result would be binding upon the government. 

But! How do we stop extremists hijacking the People’s Poll? The number of names needed for a petition would obviously need to be agreed upon as some will seek higher numbers. If people say that 5,000 voters is too small a number and it would attract minority splinter groups not representative of the community, then we can increase it to 10,000 or 15,000. We can also put a limit on financial contributions to the campaign

Limited Terms

Members of the Legislative Assembly can serve for no more than 12 years.

Announced 9 Feb 2024

What? The Federal Government should be lobbied to change the law that governs us to ensure no MLA should have more than three terms of four years (consecutive or not). Many countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas have presidential term limits. Term limits for senators, local government officials are also common. 

Why? A limited term will bring in fresh talent, new ideas and increased competition. It will help prevent abuse of power, complacency, and the concentration of power. It will promote accountability and a greater sense of responsibility and responsiveness.”

We want our representatives to be hard working and passionate about change, not looking for a lifelong job or be on a power-trip. If you haven’t achieved what you wanted to achieve in 12 years – leave!”.

Also, stale governments are often caused by the same old faces with the same old ideas. Parties say ‘well, we have new candidates on our ticket’ but will often preference the old faces on the How to Vote, knowing full well the newbies won’t get in.

Being in government should be for a limited time. We don’t want career politicians.

How? Recognising that the ACT has its own Legislative Assembly with elected members, it is not a self-governing state. It operates under the Australian Constitution and legislation passed by the Federal Parliament in particular the Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act 1988 (Compilation No. 25).

We would need the Federal Government to amend our law in this respect, and we believe that a People’s Poll could help persuade the Australian Government.

But! Arguments against term limits are that we would throw out the experienced politicians. But we have a professional and competent public service that is there to help guide our new politicians.

Entertainment and Sports Stadium

Announced Stadium should be in the City.

Announced 19 Feb 2024

What? Strong Independents support a major entertainment and sport stadium for the City Centre. Not Bruce as recently announced by the Barr Government.

Why? The majority of big stadiums of the world work best in the heart of their cities. The centre of cities are transport hubs and often entertainment centres with accommodation, restaurants, and a nightlife. Many are also close to large convention centres. We don’t want another stadium built away from the tourist heart of the ACT to give access to the people all over Canberra, and for our tourists.

How? The Barr Government has announced its seventh plan or strategy or policy for a this stadium. It keeps changing its mind about the location. Show the people a transparent business case!

But? Some say it will be expensive to build the road infrastructure. We’d say that it is more expensive to rebuild a stadium when you realise it is in the wrong location (e.g. Waverley Park for AFL in Melbourne). We want a packed stadium if we are to attract and keep attracting big name musical artists and big sporting events. If it is in the right location close to the tram, close to accommodation and restaurants then locals, NSW regional visitors and tourists are more likely to come. This will benefit the Territory with valuable ‘export’ earnings.

Independent Infrastructure Assessment Agency

For more independent expert scrutiny and public scrutiny on major public infrastructure projects

Announced 14 March 2024

What? Canberra needs to have its own Independent Infrastructure Commissioner (as a minimum, but alternatively a small statutory board) and Independent Infrastructure Assessment Agency, like other States and the NT. It would assess the business cases ensuring that the proposed infrastructure meets the policy objective of ACT Government agencies. 

Why? To improve transparency, information and trust in decision making about infrastructure choices. Getting an independent expert to assess the business case will make it more robust. Other states and the Northern Territory have similar independent bodies as does the Federal Government i.e. Infrastructure Australia. 

In addition, the current Standing Committee: Planning, Transport and City Services Standing Committee could not be seen as being very independent. It is one of those  Standing Committees’ where Co-Chair and Chair positions are held by Labor and Greens. To ensure proper scrutiny, Standing Committees should have the Opposition Party holding the position of Co-Chair as a minimum. The Federal Government practise is to have the Opposition Party being Co-Chair. 

How? Line agencies/directorates would submit their business cases for new infrastructure projects to IIAA. The Independent body would assess the robustness of the options provided in the business case and also whether the suggested options properly address the root cause of the problem/issue. 

The business case could be returned to the line agency for improving or with suggestions for alternatives to addressing the problem. Once finalised the assessment would be provided to the Commissioner/Board for endorsement, the assessment would then be provided to the relevant Minister and published along with the business case.  Major Projects Canberra would maintain its responsibility for delivery of major infrastructure projects.

The IIAA would also assess post evaluations of the projects submitted to it by the line agency/directorate. Once assessed and finalised these assessments and the evaluations would be made public.

The Commissioner or Board would be a statutory appointment that could only be removed by a supermajority of the ACT Assembly.

Threshold for projects to go the IIAA would be determined by the Assembly and would likely be $20m and over. 

But? Some may say this is a waste of money and is unnecessary? Yet, as they say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. A lot of money can be wasted on the wrong solution for the problem/issue. Let's do the right things right - at the beginning.

A five point evidence-based literacy reform package 

What? The performance of our primary schools needs to increase.  We are the jurisdiction with the highest socio-economic status in Australia and all students (regardless of background) should receive the best education.

STRONG INDEPENDENTS has a five-point plan that involves:

  • literacy instruction aligned with the evidence on best-practice

  • phonetics screening to be mandated in Year 1 as per Australia wide recommendations, including constant assessment of progress

  • supporting teachers with development and provision of resources such as decodable books, so the plan can be implemented as soon as possible

  • increase in small group support and 1-on-1 support for teachers that struggle with literacy and numeracy, and 

  • increased psychological support at schools to help with mental health issues. 

Why?  The ACT is the highest socio-economic jurisdiction in Australia but our results in maths and literacy do not reflect this. Many reports are saying the same thing - including respected reports from the Grattan Institute and Equity Economics. According to the latter, in 2019, 42 per cent of Catholic schools and 54 per cent of Government schools were underperforming in reading. Four years later, only four per cent of Catholic schools underperformed compared to 60 per cent of Government schools. There have been similar improvements in writing and spelling for Catholic schools in the ACT but not for Government schools. The Catholic schools have instituted many of our points in their six point plan. We have been told that public primary teachers have bought learning materials out of their own money. In 2022, the Australian Curriculum was updated to remove the three-cueing system for literacy as it is not effective for teaching all children how to read. In 2024 the ACT is finally adopting the new curriculum and it is one of the last three jurisdictions in Australia to announce support for the Year 1 Phonics check. Better educated children are more satisfied at school and better engaged which should help with behaviour. More psychologists at school will provide a more supportive environment for children and teachers and address the mental health crisis. 

How? Teachers need professional development and coaching in high-quality, research backed explicit, systematic, and sequential reading instruction. Pre-service teacher training must also be consistent with these methods. The schools must be given quality curriculum, learning and assessment resource materials in order to facilitate the changes as soon as possible. Most importantly each school must have enough dedicated psychologists to meet the needs of students and teachers.

But? Aren’t teachers already overloaded? Our policy should give teachers their weekends back with enough centrally provided support and resources. 


Raising the grade: How schools in the Australian Capital Territory can lift literacy outcomes for students and the economy. Equity Economics. June 2023

The Reading Guarantee: How to give every child the best chance of success. Grattan Institute. Hunter, J., Stobart, A., and Haywood, A. (2023).