2024 ACT Legislative Assembly election

How to make a ‘democracy flan’ and our policies to improve ACT’s democracy

See our second Kitchen Crossbench video on literacy scones!

Third in the series - A recipe for Disaster! Our funniest yet!

Photo by Elesa Kurtz

23 years is too long -

It’s time for change….

Vote for:

  • A STRONG VOICE for you

  • A STRONG ECONOMY for all Canberrans

  • A STRONG ENVIRONMENT for our kids

  • STRONG INFRASTRUCTURE for a beautiful Canberra

  • STRONG INTEGRITY in government

Our vision for Canberra …

As Independents we have joined forces under the STRONG INDEPENDENTS to make sure Canberra becomes the place it should be - a jewel in the crown of capital cities - where people can create a rewarding life for themselves, where all people have a pleasant environment to enjoy, where all children get an excellent education, where all people can get the health services they need, where there isn’t homelessness and where businesses and their employees can grow and flourish.

With Canberra’s population heading towards 800,000 by 2060, we need to plan on a 35 year horizon to maximise the outcomes of our rate base and other income with good transparent government.


The community isn’t being listened to. If elected we shall

  • Introduce a bill for a People’s Poll

  • seek Limited terms (12 years) for ACT Politicians

  • Mobile offices for politicians

  • Have Community Cabinet meetings

  • Have codesign of policies and legislation with the community

  • More support for community councils


Our infrastructure is aged in older suburbs and all the investment is happening disproportionately. If elected we shall:

  • Get the Government announced entertainment and major sports stadium to be in the city along the tram route where it can be accessible for Canberrans and create an exciting holiday destination for tourists.

  • Beautify and refresh aged shopping centres so that these are enjoyable places for people to congregate with long term plans developed with input from communities

  • Get faster solutions for clean public transport with more electric buses and look at shuttle buses to get inside more suburbs.

  • Push the Assembly to have the Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission (ICRC) to confirm the tram’s economic viability, and get more transparency so that the public knows the costs and benefits

  • Make sure there is local infrastructure for people to enjoy such as pools, public halls and sports facilities


We have lost our AAA rating. Debt should be for productivity improving reasons. We need a strong economy to help balance the budget and support better services and reduce the cost of living. If elected we shall:

  • Streamline regulations on business and help attract further investment

  • Uncomplicate the development process to get faster approvals, more housing supply but better outcomes for the community

  • Ensure the Government meets their commitment to introducing 1200 new public houses over the next three years

  • Put a hold on massive rate raises and charges

  • Remove the unprecedented new tax on GPs which will only be passed onto their paying clients and deter GPs from coming here

  • Good education is productivity enhancing. Our five point plan for primary school education should lift the level of literacy in our children so that everyone gets a good education.


We need to continue to lower emissions to help save our planet for our kids. If elected we shall:

  • continue good programs that encourage roof-top solar and insulation improvements to properties

  • Electric buses not diesel ones

  • continue good programs that encourage the purchase of electric vehicles

  • install more EV - charging stations

  • investigate climate adaptation for the ACT - with scenario planning


We are committed to evidence-based policy making and transparency in Government. If elected:

  • we will strengthen the integrity commission

  • ensure directorates continuously improve through surveys of their staff, their regulated, and their stakeholders

  • have clear Key Performance Indicators with timelines for all Plans delivered by Government

  • when decisions are made make sure there are good communications about the changes


We will put current and future Canberrans at the centre (with good evidence) of all decision-making. We need to have independents in the Assembly that involve the community; think about the issues; and look at the facts and the evidence, unincumbered by factions, and vested interests.

We are independents that have some common policies above, but also have different views so please visit our websites Ann Bray and Peter Strong to get a greater understanding of them. As we continue to listen to your concerns over the year we will develop our policies.

For more information on the 2024 ACT Legislative Assembly Election go to Elections ACT at

Join the conversation about creating a more amazing Canberra …

Contact us as we would love to meet with your community group, business, association, book club, community garden, netball team or bridge club - any group of people who want better government.

Let us know your concerns.